A. Freshman Requirements
Duly Accomplished Preliminary Form for J.D. (Download editable PF Form here) 2
Clear, scanned copy (in PDF format) of original Transcript of Records (TOR) 3
Clear, scanned copy (in PDF format) of Certificate of Good Moral Character from the College/University where Baccalaureate Degree was completed 4
Clear scanned copy (in PDF format) of original Baccalaureate Degree Diploma 5
2×2 photo (in PNG or JPEG format) 6
Brief resume (in PDF format) with the following information: - Complete name
- Date of birth
- Sex
- Residential address
- Contact number
- Name of last school attended
- Baccalaureate degree completed
- Year baccalaureate degree was completed
- Occupation (if applicable)
- Name and address of employer (if applicable)
- Name of parents or persons to contact in case of emergency and their contact details
B. Transferee Requirements
Duly Accomplished Preliminary Form (Download editable PF Form here) 2
Clear, scanned copy (in PDF format) of original Transcript of Records (TOR) or Certified Copy of Grades from the last law school attended 3
Clear, scanned copy (in PDF format) of Certificate of Good Moral Character from last school attended 4
Clear, scanned copy (in PDF format) of
Certificate of Honorable Dismissal (HD) from the last Law School attended 5
Two 2×2 ID pictures (in PNG or JPEG format) 6
Brief resume with the following details: - Complete name
- Date of birth
- Sex
- Residential address
- Contact number
- Name of last school attended
- Baccalaureate degree completed
- Year baccalaureate degree was completed
- Occupation (if applicable)
- Name and address of employer (if applicable)
- Name of parents or persons to contact in case of emergency and their contact details


- Requirements Gathering. Make sure your requirements are complete. Applicants with incomplete requirements may be provisionally enrolled pending the submission of complete requirements.
- Accomplish PF Form. Fill out the Preliminary Form with your personal details as well as the subjects you want to enroll. You may check the subjects offered for the current semester at our MLC Announcements page or at our Official Facebook Page.
- Submission of Requirements. Submit a clear, scanned copy of your requirements, including the Preliminary Form (PF) in MS Word Format at [email protected] with subject Freshman Application Year 20XX-20XX_SURNAME (Example: Freshman Application Year 2024-2025_DELACRUZ).
- Evaluation by College Secretary. The College Secretary evaluates the documents and, for transferees, reviews previous subjects and lists remaining ones.
- PF Approval. Once approved, proceed to pay the Tuition Fee.
- Payment of Tuition Fee. Pay the TF in full (with discount) or in installments (regular amount) via bank deposit or fund transfer.
- Send Proof of Payment. Send the proof of transfer or deposit to Ms. Marlene Salazar.
- Enrollment Confirmation. Once payment is confirmed, you are officially enrolled for the semester.
- Join the official MLC FB Group.